our history


During the war and post-war period, other economic sectors increasingly recede into the background and Walter Troger (5th generation) and his wife Gerda focus on the sawmill.
Eventually, 3,600 fm per year are already being cut with the sawmill, which is basically still original but has been electrified in the meantime.
This aerial photograph dates back to the early years of the 20th century. During renovatiosns, a jost that was dated back to 1692 was found, which proves how long this property has existed.

Investment in a log yard. A complete novelty at that time.

until 1969
A little later, a new sawmill with a cutting capacity of 26,000 fm per year is built. This completes the change to a powerful sawmill specialising in timber trade.


The high demand for raw material for processing can no longer be met with the existing sawmill.
For this reason, another sawmill is being invested in the ground-breaking profiling technology.

Only one year later, the company suffers a setback: the old sawmill burns down completely.
But passion is greater than suffering. So Walter and Gerda decide to re-equip the only newly built factory to cover larger dimensions there as well in order to handle the entire production on just one sawmill.


The high demand for plywood increases gradually, and Troger is, thus, further expanding its market-leading role with the construction of a new factory.
Meanwhile, the sawmill cuts approximately 150,000 fm per year.


Family Troger
Today we are happy to be have been able to indulge our passion for wood every day since 1820. Our history has taught us to always act prudently and with foresight in the interest of the community in the family business and to follow the right paths in the long term.
from left to right: Walter, Gerda, Anna, Helmut
Only those who know where they come from know where they go.
Our Philosophy
Man and nature in balance
As a family business with a very long tradition, virtues such as authenticity, a flat hierarchy as well as a trustful work climate with employees and business partners characterize our everyday work. At Troger Holz, we think in terms of generations and as a company we are responsible for our families and our employees.
We are all on a level playing field, enjoy working as a team and never let each other down. Our credo is to master challenges together and to grow with them. We achieve this by moving with the times and by effectively combining tradition with innovation.
The principle of the down-to-earth family business is firmly rooted in our values. For us, the are a commitment to:

… to our customers, suppliers, service providers and employees. The long-term trust of our customers is our greatest asset. We also place trust in our employees.
… as down-to-earth and casual people, the "handshake" is still valid for us. We stand by our word.
Our Team
managing directors

Helmut Troger
Owner Managing Director

Walter Troger

Bernhard Kirchmair
+43 664 88508830

Karl Klingler
+43 664 5403100

Thomas Derfeser
+43 664 9953834
purchasing department

Daniel Pfurtscheller
+43 664 88508840

Andreas Hanser
+43 664 88508827

Stefan Hussl
+43 5242 6253518
sales department

Walter Troger
+43 5242 62535 15

Karl Kreidl
+43 5242 62535 11

Hannes Prosser
+43 5242 62535 16


Anna Troger
+43 5242 6253513

Tamina Prem
+43 5242 62535

Sonja Falger
+43 664 5965059

Production structure
The path from raw material to the finished product and its versatility.

Administration | Sawmill | Plywood factory
Pirchat 17, 6134 Vomp / Tirol
Mon - Fri: 7:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Roundwood receiving department | Purchasing department
Dornau 15, 6135 Stans / Tirol
Mon - Fri: 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.